Cabinet PDF is a document reading & annotation app for iPhone and iPad users that includes the essential features for PDF reading, review, and annotation in a simple way that's comparable to real paper in terms of ease of use. I facilitated the articulation of design objectives and was driving the design and validation process to bring the redesigned product to the users.
Apple was planning to introduce its much-anticipated iOS version. This brought a major shift in Apple's user interface paradigm. Cabined App had to be redesigned to comply with the new Apple guidelines and act on the gathered user feedback to provide a delightful and effective reading and annotating experience on iPad and iPhone devices.
We started by clustering the user feedback and conducting the heuristic evaluation. After identifying the key themes, we collaboratively worked on the analog research and mood boards to find the most effective visual means to express key values that we had identified.
We continued through multiple iterations and feedback sessions to come up with the solution that incorporates the goals that we have previously defined.
Finally, we arrived at a more elegant and scalable user interface solution to redefine the Cabine PDF experience starting from the channels how the users find the app to the app itself. We provided a full set of promotional material, preloaded content (e.g. user guides) as well as product design.
Cabinet PDF was featured by Apple in the US App Store in the Best New Productivity Apps category for iPad in less than one week after the release generating more than 200 000 downloads in a week.