
These are some of the selected projects I've worked on.
More case studies and details available upon request

Minimum Lovable Products

Products designed from 0 to 1 by facilitating early research, collaborative synthesis and ideation through workshops, and finally prototyping and validation of the minimum product versions to explore the user reactions to the product ideas.

During these projects I helped the teams to articulate the vision and identify the unique value proposition to be highlighted by the prototypes in various areas including drone operations, internet-of-things, smart home and energy management, healthcare, advertising and others.

Just Us Talking

Launched an enterprise in pursuit of helping couples build a habit of weekly check-ins and make vital dialogues happen. With the feedback from counsellors and users built and validated minimum product versions.

Migraine Detective

Worked with the Migraine Detective
team to carry out user research and participatory design activities to create a digital migraine diary helping identify migraine triggers that reached over 20% conversion rates on multiple channels.

Internet of Things platform

Facilitated cross-functional teams (sales, engineering, design, business) to articulate the vision, establish the minimum-viable product, and iterated based on user feedback.

TV Advertising Analytics

Helped the team to align and establish a clear narrative and feature set for the initial product version and later launching the product in the market through various participatory design methods.

End-to-end Product Design

Big bets designed and iterated based on the user research, and launched in the market through marketing campaigns and extensive reach to the customers.

The process had involved end-to-end design process starting from early sketching and ideation to design systems and iterations based on user feedback.

PDF Cabinet

Worked with the Cabinet PDF team to re-design one of the first PDF annotators on an iPad. The redesign was featured by Apple in the App Store and gained more than 200,000 downloads in a week.


Designed and iterated a multi-platform digital collaboration platform on iPadOS, iOS, Web to facilitate remote and distributed team communication and project management.

Risk Engineer Notebook

Researched and consolidated existing risk assessment approaches through Excel templates and scatter system inputs into an easy-to-use iPad app, increase the efficiency of risk engineers in a Fortune Global 500 insurance company.

Tangible product design

Cross roads
Roll On!

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